header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: http://www.snipercentral.com/sniper-central-entry-level-tactical-rifles/"); exit; include("./inc/dbconnect.inc"); $DBCONN = new cDBConn(); $szErr = ""; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_action"); if ($iCnt < 1) $szErr = "Error loading survey results
"; else { $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'REM700'"); $iActRem = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'WIN70'"); $iActWin = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'RUG77'"); $iActRug = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'MAUSER'"); $iActMau = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'OTHER'"); $iActOth = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_action WHERE action_name = 'NOPREF'"); $iActNo = $iCnt/$totNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_stock"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totStockNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_stock WHERE stock_name = 'MCMILLIAN'"); $iStkMcm = $iCnt/$totStockNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_stock WHERE stock_name = 'HSPRECISION'"); $iStkHsp = $iCnt/$totStockNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_stock WHERE stock_name = 'OTHER'"); $iStkOth = $iCnt/$totStockNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_stock WHERE stock_name = 'NOPREF'"); $iStkNo = $iCnt/$totStockNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_finish"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totFinNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'MATTE'"); $iFinMat = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'PARKERIZED'"); $iFinPar = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'BLACKT'"); $iFinBlc = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'TEFLON'"); $iFinTef = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'GUNKOTE'"); $iFinGun = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'OTHER'"); $iFinOth = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_finish WHERE finish_name = 'NOPREF'"); $iFinNo = $iCnt/$totFinNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_barrel"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totBarNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'SHILEN'"); $iBarShi = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'HSPRECISION'"); $iBarHsp = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'KRIEGER'"); $iBarKri = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'HART'"); $iBarHar = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'DOUGLAS'"); $iBarDou = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'OTHER'"); $iBarOth = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barrel WHERE barrel_name = 'NOPREF'"); $iBarNo = $iCnt/$totBarNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_barlen"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totBarLenNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = '18'"); $iBarLen18 = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = '20'"); $iBarLen20 = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = '22'"); $iBarLen22 = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = '24'"); $iBarLen24 = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = '26'"); $iBarLen26 = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = 'OTHER'"); $iBarLenOth = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_barlen WHERE barlen_name = 'NOPREF'"); $iBarLenNo = $iCnt/$totBarLenNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_cal WHERE cal_name = 'COUNTER'"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totCalNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_cal WHERE cal_name = 'CAL65'"); $iCal65 = $iCnt/$totCalNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_cal WHERE cal_name = 'CAL3006'"); $iCal3006 = $iCnt/$totCalNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_cal WHERE cal_name = 'CAL243'"); $iCal243 = $iCnt/$totCalNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_cal WHERE cal_name = 'CAL7MM'"); $iCal7mm = $iCnt/$totCalNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'COUNTER'"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totOptNum = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'OPTBOLTHANDLE'"); $iOptBol = $iCnt/$totOptNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'OPTADJLOP'"); $iOptLop = $iCnt/$totOptNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'OPTADJCHEEKPIECE'"); $iOptChe = $iCnt/$totOptNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'OTPM14MAG'"); $iOptM14 = $iCnt/$totOptNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_options WHERE options_name = 'OPTSS'"); $iOptSS = $iCnt/$totOptNum * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_1200"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totR1200 = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_1200 WHERE 1200_name = 'YES'"); $i1200Yes = $iCnt/$totR1200 * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_1200 WHERE 1200_name = 'NO'"); $i1200No = $iCnt/$totR1200 * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_1550"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totR1550 = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_1550 WHERE 1550_name = 'YES'"); $i1550Yes = $iCnt/$totR1550 * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_1550 WHERE 1550_name = 'NO'"); $i1550No = $iCnt/$totR1550 * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT count(*) FROM survey_2600"); $rgResult = $DBCONN->GetNextRow(); $totR2600 = $rgResult[0]; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_2600 WHERE 2600_name = 'YES'"); $i2600Yes = $iCnt/$totR2600 * 100; $iCnt = $DBCONN->Query("SELECT * FROM survey_2600 WHERE 2600_name = 'NO'"); $i2600No = $iCnt/$totR2600 * 100; } ?> include 'inc/menu.php'; displayHeader("Sniepr Central sniper rifle survey results"); ?>
Total Responses = echo($totNum);?> | |
Prefered Action Type: |
Remington 700 : printf("%4.2f", $iActRem) ?>% Winchester 70 : printf("%4.2f", $iActWin) ?>% Ruger M77 : printf("%4.2f", $iActRug) ?>% Mauser 98 : printf("%4.2f", $iActMau) ?>% Other : printf("%4.2f", $iActOth) ?>% No Preference : printf("%4.2f", $iActNo) ?>% |
Prefered Stock Manufacturer: |
McMillan : printf("%4.2f", $iStkMcm) ?>% HS Precision : printf("%4.2f", $iStkHsp) ?>% Other : printf("%4.2f", $iStkOth) ?>% No Preference : printf("%4.2f", $iStkNo) ?>% |
Prefered Metal Finish: |
Matte Bluing : printf("%4.2f", $iFinMat) ?>% Parkerized : printf("%4.2f", $iFinPar) ?>% Birdsong Black-T/Green-T : printf("%4.2f", $iFinBlc) ?>% Teflon : printf("%4.2f", $iFinTef) ?>% Gun Kote : printf("%4.2f", $iFinGun) ?>% Other : printf("%4.2f", $iFinOth) ?>% No Preference : printf("%4.2f", $iFinNo) ?>% |
Prefered Barrel Manufacturer: |
Shilen : printf("%4.2f", $iBarShi) ?>% HS Precision : printf("%4.2f", $iBarHsp) ?>% Krieger : printf("%4.2f", $iBarKri) ?>% Hart : printf("%4.2f", $iBarHar) ?>% Douglas : printf("%4.2f", $iBarDou) ?>% Other : printf("%4.2f", $iBarOth) ?>% No Preference : printf("%4.2f", $iBarNo) ?>% |
Prefered Barrel Length: |
18" : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLen18) ?>% 20" : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLen20) ?>% 22" : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLen22) ?>% 24" : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLen24) ?>% 26" : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLen26) ?>% Other : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLenOth) ?>% No Preference : printf("%4.2f", $iBarLenNo) ?>% |
Calibers of interest : |
6.5x55 Swedish : printf("%4.2f", $iCal65) ?>% .30-06 Springfield : printf("%4.2f", $iCal3006) ?>% .243 Winchester : printf("%4.2f", $iCal243) ?>% 7mm Remington Mag : printf("%4.2f", $iCal7mm) ?>% |
'Must Have' options : |
Large Bolt Handle : printf("%4.2f", $iOptBol) ?>% Adjustable Length of Pull : printf("%4.2f", $iOptLop) ?>% Adjustable Cheek Piece : printf("%4.2f", $iOptChe) ?>% Accepts M14 magazines : printf("%4.2f", $iOptM14) ?>% Stainless Steel Barrel : printf("%4.2f", $iOptSS) ?>% |
Would you purchase the following rifle for $1200 : Winchester Model 70 Action, 24" Heavy Target Contour Barrel (Chrome Moly), Matte Blue finish, HS Precision Pro Tactical Stock (PST37), Guaranteed .5 MOA (With test target). |
Yes : printf("%4.2f", $i1200Yes) ?>% No : printf("%4.2f", $i1200No) ?>% |
Would you purchase the following rifle for $1550 : Remington 700 Action, 24" Heavy Target Contour Barrel (Chrome Moly), Matte Blue finish, McMillan Winchester Marksman stock (Camo), Glass Bedded, Large Bolt Handle, VERSA-POD bipod with mounting stud (similar to parker-hale bipods), Guaranteed .5 MOA (With test target). |
Yes : printf("%4.2f", $i1550Yes) ?>% No : printf("%4.2f", $i1550No) ?>% |
Would you purchase the following rifle for $2600 : Remington 700 Action, 24" Heavy Target Contour Barrel (Stainless Steel), Gun Kote Metal Finish, McMillan McHale Stock with adjustable spacer system, VERSA-POD bipod with mounting stud (similar to parker-hale bipods). glass bedded, M-14 magazine conversion, large bolt handle, Shilen Tigger, guaranteed .5 MOA (With test target) |
Yes : printf("%4.2f", $i2600Yes) ?>% No : printf("%4.2f", $i2600No) ?>% |