Designated Marksman Course Curriculum

Day 1
0800 Roll Call, Safety Briefing, Welcome
0830 Role of the Designated Marksman and his/her rifle
0900 Class: Fundamentals of Marksmanship as a DM
0930 Class: Shooting Positions as a DM. Alternate & Barricade
1015 Class: Tripod Shooting Techniques
1045 Class: Environmental Effects Refresher & Quick Wind Formula
1115 Class: Spotting as a DM using spotting scope & binos
1145 Class: Data Book use as a DM
1200 Break for Lunch
1300 Range: 100 yard zero
1400 Range: 200-700 yard data collection
1500 Tripod and Barricade Shooting 200-700 yards
1700 Weapon Maintenance & AAR

Day 2
0800 Safety Briefing, Morning Q&A
0815 Range: Cold bore competition
0900 Class: Range Estimation Refresher
0930 Class: Hold-overs and Hold-offs and mastering your reticle
1000 Class: DM SC Parallel Bore Zero Method
1030 Class: Considerations for Shooting with Body Armor
1100 Break for lunch
1200 Range: Unknown distance quick engagement drills (100-600 yards)
1300 Range: Multiple Target Engagements
1400 Range Alternate Firing Positions Drills and Stress Fire
1500 Range: Ultra-precision engagements (100-700+ yards)
1530 Range: Final exercise/free shoot
1630 Debrief & Graduation
1700 End of Class