The M1903-A4 was a specifically designed sniper rifle that came as a result of early U.S. combat involvement in the Pacific. There was a high demand, that could not be filled, for telescopic (sniper) rifles. The Infantry Board and the Ordanance Department conducted an evaluation and recommended that the Weaver 2.5x 330C hunting telescope be adopted for use on M1903 and M1903-A1 rifles. The rifle was officially adopted on 14 Jan 1943 as the M1903-A4 (sniper).

The M1903-A4 was an accurate rifle with an effective range of about 600 yards (550m), with the main limit on long range accuracy coming from its very low power scope (2.5x). From its adoption in 1943 until the end of the war, the M1903-A4 was used extensively in every theater of operation by both the US Army and the USMC. The rifle was again used in the Korean conflict, and even in the early stages of the Vietnam conflict when sniper rifles were in severe shortage. The M1903A4 is a legendary classic sniper rifle. It served with distinction in WWII, Korea, and even Vietnam.

USMC M1903-A1/Unertl
Unlike the US Army, the USMC had a standard issue sniper rifle at the start of hostilities in WWII, it was a M1903/Lyman 5A (5x), which was adopted (with the Winchester A5 Telescope) during WWI. After there was a push to standardize sniper equipment, the Marine Corps Equipment Board did an extensive study of optics under field conditions and recommended a scope of about 8x, with an objective lens of about one and half inches, a medium fine crosshair reticle, and double micrometer quarter minute click mounts. They specifically cited a 8x target scope made by John Unertl as being the best they found. They also recommended the scope be mounted on a Winchester M70 target rifle, but the USMC decided on the M1903 based on favorable accuracy comparisons between specially selected M1903’s and the M70. So the M1903-A1 mounted with the Unertl 8x became the “sniping standard” in the USMC.

The M1903-A1/Unertl was tested and at 600 yards and with M72 Match ammo would group 3.5 inches (.58 MOA, wow!!!) but match ammo was about impossible to come by during the war, so most snipers had to settle with M2 Ball ammo, which was till respectable with groups coming in at 7.5″ at 600 yards (1.25 MOA). The M1903-A1/Unertl was used by the USMC through out WWII, along with the M1903-A4. The -A1/Unertl also saw use during the Korean war, with USMC snipers registering a number of kills out to 1000 yards. Like the M1903-A4 the M1903-A1/Unertl was a lethal system in the hands of a properly trained sniper during WWII and Korea.

Thanks to a loyal SC follower for the images.
[…] of 1944 the M1E7 (renamed M1C) was adopted as the standard issue sniper rifle and replaced the M1903A4 making it “Limited Standard”. The M1E8 (renamed M1D) was adopted in September of 1944 as a […]
Dear Madams/Sirs
This is to ask your cooperation for a small book I am writing (in Italian) about WW2 rifles.
I would like to use some images present in your site and this is to ask your kind permission.
I hasten to add that, if and when the book is published, your name will be mentioned with gratitude in the “Acknowledgments” section.
Many thanks for the attention and best regards.
Paolo N. SINHA
Mercato Vecchio 36 A
Please contact me directly and we can discuss the use of images.
Dear MEL,
On September 3rd, 2020 I asked your permission to use some pictures of your in a book I was writing.
I never used those pictures as I didnt’get your permission.
You are kindly requested to remove my name and mail address from your site.
Thanks in advance and best regards
Paolo N. SINHA
Hum, we are generally happy to give permission to use images. Did you email me directly? If you did, did my email get sent to your spam?
I will remove your info from SC per your request.
I know this is an old posting. However, I saw an Unertl scoped 1903 in Part 6 of the HBO series, “The Pacific” about 1st Marine Division in WWII. The episode is primarily about the Marines taking the island of Peleliu, Palau. The scoped 1903 is briefly shown at 32:44 into the episode.