The Ruger M77 MkII VLE is Ruger’s little known Law Enforcement tactical rifle. The rifle is based off of the M77 MkII VT target/varmint rifle but has a few changes. All the metal work is a flat black finish vs. the flat grey color of the VT rifles. The VT and VLE rifles have a laminated stock which is nicely contoured with a very wide forend. The VLE stock is different in that it is composed of darker grey colored laminates, vs the brown colors of the VT. Both rifles are the same beyond that. The barrel is a 26″ medium weight barrel. The barrel is not as heavy as most tactical rifles, which keeps weight down a little. The trigger is a decent 2 stage trigger, which I personally prefer. The scope mounting system is typical Ruger with the integral scope mounting rails for the provided rings to mount to. The VLE also comes with a Harris bipod standard which is a nice touch.

How does the rifle shoot? Well, they are typical Ruger, you either have a sweet shooting tack driver, or a semi-accurate shooter. Ruger’s are somewhat notorious for being hit and miss. Ruger claims that the VLE should consistently shoot sub 1 MOA with match ammo, and thats about right. On average, I would say they are a .75 – 1 MOA rifle. Also, while laminated wood is better then straight walnut, it will still shift more in weather changes then a synthetic stock. But I will admit that I like the contour. I also like the Mauser style action and especially the 2 stage trigger, I wish more rifles were available with the 2 stage. The VLE is a reasonable cost rifle, at about $600 (give or take) but they are supposedly for LE only, and somewhat hard to find. Overall, not a bad rifle for the money.

I’ve had the M77 MKII VT since middle 90’s. Mine shoots 1/2 minute with Federal 168 SPBT … For My GUNSMITH… best -I- can squeeze out is 3/4 minute. Grumble, Gripe, Cuss…
I had it drilled for a weaver base so I could utilize the Burris eliptical scope rings. They weren’t making them yet for Ruger bases back then… and I ran out of scope adjustment at around 850 yards… wanted it to reach 1000 minimum…
Depending on the day, back then, it and I were about 60% 1st shot at 1,000 yards (using ‘eye’ Not laser) … today? My feeble ass is lucky to hit my foot if I drop a box of rounds
I am looking to buy a ruger m77 m11 Target Rifle like yours.
I am looking to sell a target model. Stainless heavy barrel laminate stock with less than 50 rounds through it. Mint! Sling, scope, Ruger case….etc. 11 out of 10!
309 973 6006
I got .55 moa with168gr sierra match king and reloaded ammo
Do you still have the rifle? These were a unique & cool rifle
I would like to purchase one like lt.
Yes, still have it
But I am shooting much less than before
Years ago, being younger I enjoyed it more
Awesome! They were a unique and cool rifle. If you ever want to part with it, let me know. Would love to add it to the SC Collection.