It was time to take the latest version of the Tango-51 out for a full test and see how they still hold up.
It was time to take the latest version of the Tango-51 out for a full test and see how they still hold up.
The original Tactical Operations .25 MOA tactical rifle
One of the very early adopters of the .338 Lapua chambering
This was perhaps our first full rifle review performed way back in the 1990s. Enjoy!
Another early custom tactical rifle builder
The SR-25 pretty much lead the revolution of MSR/AR-10 based sniper rifles in the US
Robar was one of the early custom sniper rifle builders and their SR platform of rifles were excellent.
The little known M-86 left its own mark in the history of US military sniping.
An ultra low budget heavy barrel rifle…can it work?
The mil-spec 5R rifles are extremely popular, let us see why…