The SVD (Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova)-Dragunov Sniping Rifle was the first rifle designed from scratch as a sniper rifle, and it was declared the winner of a shootoff competition by the Soviet military and adopted in 1963. It has very limited similarities to the Kalashnikov series of rifles and is similarly reliable. The SVD can be expected to shoot 2 MOA with quality ammo, though the scope is graduated out to much greater distances.

I have some personal experience with an original SVD (circa late 1970’s). While the weapon was a bit crude when it comes to workmanship, it still functioned flawlessly. We shot extensively out to 900 meters. The rifle is extremely deadly, even with cheap surplus ammo, out to about 600 meters. After that, you are pressed to hit consistently. We easily were maintaining sub 2 MOA through our testing. The SVD is not a true sniper rifle by today’s standards, but it performs exceptionally well for what it was designed to do, a weapon to extend the range of the average rifle squad and they have been effectively used in the role all over the world.

[…] been a long standing request by Russian snipers to upgrade their standard sniper rifle from the SVD. There is nothing wrong with the SVD for what it was designed for. But when the snipers need a […]
I have another of the kbi svd imports. Original box and never been shot. What is its value? I cant find any information with the serial number. Ty
It is difficult to put a value on as there are not very many that come up for sale. I would watch gunbroker and see what they might go for there.
I am one of the original 100 who bought the KBI import before the ban. It has not been fired and has been under my bed for 26 years. If you have any questions on it I’ll try to answer.
Wow, nice piece to have in your collection.
Are you interested in selling it?
I am also one of the original 100 . Mine is also a safe queen but I took it to the range this year to sight it in and let my nephew, who was heading for Paris Island shoot it. Its a pleasure to shoot and was doing 1 MOA out of the box . I was using 7N1 and Wolf 148 grain FMJ. It was a blast to shoot , not much recoil. Do yourself a favor and shoot it, you won’t regret it ! “Nam” 1968 , Tet offensive !
Are you interested in selling it?
This was the first Sniper Rifle I ever laid my eyes on. When I saw it I thought to myself, “I wanna be the guy who carries that kinda rifle.” Its what got me hooked. I remember I was in 7th Grade, it was an evening and I was playing a brand new game my grandmother had got me on my nintendo ds called CALL of DUTY 4: Modern Warfare. It was the mission EXODUS. God Bless America, and thank you for your service.
NVA used this weapon effectively during VN War…They showed how good sniper teams could work..I always be facinated by this weapon..Always wanted one..Too few ..Too bad..SF..Shooting’s Fun..