We closely examine one of these handy devices
We closely examine one of these handy devices
The rear sandsock has been used by snipers and tactical shooters for many years and has been successful in what it does. It is not the most precise or accurate means of rear support because of the necessity to have easy adjustment covering a wide range of motion. Mono-pods on the rear of the rifle… Read more »
We use them all the time and recommend them frequently, so are they really useful?
We look at the bolt action version of the Bradley cheekrest
A unique strap on cheek pad for difficult setups
Do it yourself adjustable cheek piece
We look at an exceptional rifle finish
We check out the Series 2 version of these excellent drag bags
Well I decided to go ahead and purchase a “manufactured” drag bag/carry case for my bravo-51. The drag bag I currently have is exactly that, a drag bag that I hand construct when I build my ghillies. I wasn’t looking too hard for one when out of the blue Tactical Operations asked if I wanted… Read more »
We evaluate the Zeiss PRF Laser Range Finder to see if their LRF is as good as their scopes