Rifle Review RUGER AMERICAN PREDATOR – FULL REVIEW Can this ultra low cost “predator” rifle perform as a long range precision rifle? We perform a full review to find out.
Rifle Review RUGER M77 MKII VLE No longer made, these early Ruger tactical rifles were kind of unique
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS REMINGTON 700P TUNE-UP Let us see what Tac Ops can do with just a tune up on a factory Remington rifle
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS – GREEN HORNET We look at the capability of a .22 LR for tactical use
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS ALPHA 66 We take a look at one of the Tactical Operations power house rifles…
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS XRAY-51 Another Tactical Operations masterpiece using the McMillan A5 stock
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS – BRAVO 51 We love the McMillan McHale stock, and when combined with a Tactical Operations rifle build, does it equal sniper rifle bliss? Let us find out…
Other Product Review Jard Set AR Trigger – Review We look at an exciting new trigger for MSR platforms
Rifle Review TACTICAL OPERATIONS TANGO-51 – FULL REVIEW It was time to take the latest version of the Tango-51 out for a full test and see how they still hold up.